Mitre & Trak-kit
Mitre, a government-aligned organism developing ideas towards artificial intelligence, space security, economic expertise, intended to utilize the robotic motion censored control system for government operational group testing and combat training executing individual screen point-to-point moves.
Senior Industrial Designer for Mitre + The Pentagon high-level motion control system. Consisting of fifteen mechanically independent Smart Screen interactive walls. Eight foot high wall are designed to be fully automated along the X-axis, Z-axis, and Y-axis.
Video of Mitre
Trak-kit develop automated solutions and trollies that mobilizes architectural features and sophisticated interactive LCD screens and audio systems.
Using stepper/servo motors, gear boxes, wire management systems and custom designed aluminum components can develop a solution for any commercial and residential use.
Technical Drawings For Body of Screens
Custom Trolley Drawings
Custom CNC's
Over the past six years I have been personally exploring automation and robotics through building machines. Through constant iteration, and 3D CAD design I have develop custom aluminum components and explored different machines of multiple axis designs. All Of machine are fictional fabrication CNC equipment that i have used for the fabrication of creative and designed objects.
Representation of how a Track works in an environment.
Custom Parts
Video of Custom CNC
5th Axis Prototype
2 Custom CNCs
Extensive 3D CAD models to test every part
Robotic Software Engineering
This course enabled me to explore the world of robotics software engineering with a practical, system-focused approach to programming robots using the ROS framework and C++. In addition, learn and apply robotics software engineering algorithms such as localization, mapping, and navigation.
Build Your World
Built a Robot Maze in Gazebo
Built a Robot in Gazebo
This is a project to simulate a world in Gazebo for all your upcoming projects in the Udacity Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree Program.
Build a single floor wall structure using the Building Editor tool in Gazebo. Apply at least one feature, one color, and optionally one texture to your structure. Make sure there's enough space between the walls for a robot to navigate.
Model any object of your choice using the Model Editor tool in Gazebo. Your model links should be connected with joints.
Import your structure and two instances of your model inside an empty Gazebo World.
Import at least one model from the Gazebo online library and implement it in your existing Gazebo world.
Write a C++ World Plugin to interact with your world. Your code should display “Welcome to ’s World!” message as soon as you launch the Gazebo world file.
Go Chase It
Custom Robot Chasing a whit-ball
Robot using lidar detection
In this project I've created two ROS packages inside the catkin_ws/src: the drive_bot and the ball_chaser to be used in Gazebo for all projects in the Udacity Robotics Software Engineer Nanodegree Program. Here are the steps to design the robot, house it inside the a custom world, and program it to chase white-colored balls
Create a my_robot ROS package to hold your robot, the white ball, and the world.
Design a differential drive robot with the Unified Robot Description Format. Add two sensors to your robot: a lidar and a camera. Add Gazebo plugins for your robot’s differential drive, lidar, and camera. The robot you design should be significantly different from the one presented in the project lesson. Implement significant changes such as adjusting the color, wheel radius, and chassis dimensions. Or completely redesign the robot model! After all you want to impress your future employers :-D
House your robot inside the world you built in the Build My World project.
Add a white-colored ball to your Gazebo world and save a new copy of this world.
The world.launch file should launch your world with the white-colored ball and your robot.
Create a ball_chaser ROS package to hold your C++ nodes.
Write a drive_bot C++ node that will provide a ball_chaser/command_robot service to drive the robot by controlling its linear x and angular z velocities. The service should publish to the wheel joints and return back the requested velocities.
Write a process_image C++ node that reads your robot’s camera image, analyzes it to determine the presence and position of a white ball. If a white ball exists in the image, your node should request a service via a client to drive the robot towards it.
The ball_chaser.launch should run both the drive_bot and the process_image nodes.
Map My World
Custom robot mapping its environment
RTAB-Map 's speed and memory management is the best solution for SLAM to develop robots and map environments in 3D for information analysis and the quality of the documentation. Being able to leverage RTAB-Map with our own robots will lead to a solid foundation for mapping and localization well. For this project, we will use the rtabmap_ros package, which is a ROS wrapper (API) for interacting with rtabmap.
Home Service Robot
Home Service Robot Autonomously Navigating a Maze
The goal of this project was to design a robot's environment in gazebo and program the home-service robot that will map it's environment and autonomously navigate to pre-specified pickup and drop-off locations. For this one needed to:
Design robot's environment with the Building Editor in Gazebo.
Teleoperate the robot and manually test SLAM.
Use the ROS navigation stack and manually command the robot using the 2D Nav Goal arrow in rviz to move to 2 different desired positions and orientations.
Write a pick_objects node that commands the robot to move to the desired pickup and drop off zones.
Write an add_markers node that subscribes to the robot odometry and publishes pick-up and drop-off markers to rviz.
modify pick_objects node and add_markers node to establish communication between them, to complete desired home service robot implementation